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Believe in Dreams 2018 Spring Campaign
Tiffany & Co., NYC

Technology: Python, Twitter API, OSC, GTK+

Project Director: Pod Bluman

Creative Director: Lewis Kyle White

Developed an updated bespoke OSC server for an interactive video installation above the entrance to the Tiffany & Co. store on 5th Avenue in New York City. Worked together with the team at Stout Studio to provide iterations to the server software during the install to accommodate additional requests from the client.

Passersby could interact with the installation by tweeting #tiffanyblue. The OSC server continuously checked for new tweets containing the hashtag and sent requests to the video server to play one of a number of different promo videos.

The team on-site in New York could customise the keywords, alternate which videos would play back during daytime and which videos would play back nighttime.